SJSA 545 Block

It was my privilege and honor to design one of the December blocks for the Social Justice Sewing Academy’s 2020 Block of the Month project which you can find here. Modern day America, as we know it, was founded by immigrants fleeing religious persecution in search of a better way of life.  Our nation’s historyContinueContinue reading “SJSA 545 Block”

SJSA Equity in Education Block

For August we’re tackling a topic that many will be unfamiliar with if you’ve been afforded they luxury of growing up white in America. This month’s Social Justice Sewing Academy block is called Equity in Education. In the book Pushout, by Monique W. Morris, the author discusses the underlying situations that result in black girlsContinueContinue reading “SJSA Equity in Education Block”

SJSA Remembrance Project for Isaiah Lewis

On May 18th, 2019 Isaiah Lewis should have been wearing a graduation cap, not a halo. Isaiah was 17 years old and murdered by Edmond PD a month before graduating high school. Isaiah was in the midst of a mental health crisis and running through neighbor’s backyards begging for help. He was naked and clearlyContinueContinue reading “SJSA Remembrance Project for Isaiah Lewis”

SJSA Black Lives Matter Block

The summer of 2020 has been, actually just about all of 2020, has been so incredibly painful. The death of George Floyd forced most of America to confront the issues of racial disparities many had been ignoring or flat out denying the existence of. I didn’t watch the video. I didn’t need to. If youContinueContinue reading “SJSA Black Lives Matter Block”

SJSA Choose Your Pride Flag Blocksssssss

Yes, there are 7 Ss in my post title because I chose to make 7 different Pride Flag blocks. As you’re probably aware, June is Pride month in America. The Social Justice Sewing Academy has released 2 blocks for June and this one is called Choose Your Pride Flag although I guess I often callContinueContinue reading “SJSA Choose Your Pride Flag Blocksssssss”

SJSA Out of the Closet Block

June is PRIDE month so of course we have 2 blocks this month for the Social Justice Sewing Academy’s BOM program. The first block is called Out of the Closet. While I chose to make each person in my block a different color of the rainbow, I was very moved by what I saw inContinueContinue reading “SJSA Out of the Closet Block”

SJSA Draining All The Color Out Block

This month’s Social Justice Sewing Academy’s block of the month is called Draining All The Color Out which aims to raise awareness about gentrification. Having spent most of my childhood and young adult life in rural Oklahoma and then my years of motherhood in the suburbs, this has been a topic that’s only recently enteredContinueContinue reading “SJSA Draining All The Color Out Block”

SJSA Don’t Trash Our Future Block

The second block for this month’s BOM program with the Social Justice Sewing Academy is called Don’t Trash Our Future. Growing up in Oklahoma in the 80’s and 90’s we had a very popular anti-littering campaign. This jingle was such an ear worm and I may have been singing it in my head the wholeContinueContinue reading “SJSA Don’t Trash Our Future Block”

SJSA Clean Water for Babies Block

Earth Day is coming up and that’s the topic for one of the blocks this month with the Social Justice Sewing Academy. This block is called Clean Water for Babies which immediately makes me think of all the issues revolving around the Flint, Michigan water crisis. SJSA Social Justice Sewing Academy’s Block of the MonthContinueContinue reading “SJSA Clean Water for Babies Block”

SJSA Equal Block

March is National Women’s History Month and this month we’re completing 2 different blocks honoring women’s fight for equality. This is my version of Equal, one of the March blocks from the Social Justice Sewing Academy. SJSA Social Justice Sewing Academy’s Block of the Month pattern Equal addressing sexism and women’s rights Like the pinkContinueContinue reading “SJSA Equal Block”